(GivenUs.com) – Although it’s the most socially acceptable way to greet someone you’ve just met, especially in business settings, handshakes are gross! Take a look at this humorous, eye-opening rant about the germ fests known as handshakes:
As it turns out, around 80% of infections spread via hands.
That’s a good reason never to touch someone’s hand. But, let’s be honest — in America, handshakes are just about as common as apple pie. You don’t want to be rude, either…
So, what can you do? It turns out, a fist bump is a perfect way to greet someone and keep the germs at bay – and that’s a truth that comes straight from science itself. Fist bumps are much more sanitary because less surface area and time is involved.
Want to take it to the next level? Some people in healthcare recommend “elbow bumps” instead. Assuming you’re wearing a long-sleeved shirt, this actually ensures you never make skin-to-skin contact at all. It also keeps personal contact away from your hands, which often come into contact with far more germs than the rest of us.
Toe touches are also catching on…of course, some people might want to avoid them, lest they topple over in the process.
All playfulness aside, there are many other sanitary and clever ways to greet other people. Wave. Say “hello.” Share a no-contact personal “secret handshake.” These might be dark times, thanks to the risk of coronavirus, but you don’t need to be afraid of people altogether. Just use a little common sense and limit your personal contact.
Oh — and don’t forget to wash your hands.
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