(GivenUs.com) – Quarantine has been rough. Even those of us who love to spend time alone are starting to find it challenging to be locked down for months at a time. There’s a good reason for that: humans are social creatures, and being alone for long stretches of time can have some very serious and unintended consequences. Better Ideas has a few tips to help you stop that from happening.
Quarantine Consequence Red Flags
- Watch out for the yo-yo effect. This means you’re going back and forth between being too productive and getting nothing done. Be consistent with small changes and watch your progress slowly but steadily add up.
- Start your day off right. The morning starts your day. Treat quarantine just like any other work or school day. Flip the switch and get into a new routine so you’re not destroying your life by neglecting your inner drive.
- Try to leverage boredom. Boredom is a given during quarantine. The goal is to get some fun time into the mix too. This could be through playing video games or drawing some artwork. It will make each day in quarantine more bearable.
- Reinvent yourself. Instead of sitting around eating junk food all day, you can reinvent yourself. Educate your mind with free online classes. Go for a hike or bike ride. You have the time to improve your life and incorporate new skills and ideas into your day-to-day. Why not put it to good use?
Don’t let self-isolation destroy your life. Make a few adjustments and see how much you can change your routine for the better. It might feel like a test at times, but you can emerge from this even stronger than before.
~Here’s to Your Success!
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