How to Create a Home Office in Quarantine

How to Create a Home Office in Quarantine

( –  If you’ve been able to work from home during quarantine, it can be a blessing. But it can be a curse if you don’t have the right setup. Sure, working from bed is lovely… but it’s also a great way to end up with a major headache, a crick in your neck, and potentially, a complete lack of productivity.

The truth is that having a well-thought-out home workspace really matters. But unfortunately, not everyone has the space for a full office. Arianne Bellizaire highlights a few options that make the most of function and feng shui in so little space, they’re even appropriate for the average New York City apartment.

Here’s how you can create the perfect office setup in your home:

  • A designated spare space. First, you need to find an area where you can spread out and have the right amount of privacy to get your work done. In Arianne’s example, she used a corner space in her bedroom.
  • Make it all your own. The Balance reminds you to have the right office equipment, like a good computer and a reliable Internet connection. From there, add soothing, decorative elements like a clock, wall art and maybe a scented candle. This will help define your space and make it comforting too.
  • Mobile office setup. Another option for a home office in quarantine is to take your office wherever you’re at in the house. The living room couch is one option, especially if your other office space is occupied. Or take your laptop and tablet outdoors to your deck to spark your creativity while taking in the beauty of the outdoors.

The COVID-19 pandemic has had many workers and entrepreneurs thinking outside of the box. With a little ingenuity and design invention, you can generate the perfect fluid space for working from home.

~Here’s to Your Success!

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